Designed Specifically for Food Production Environments

Having spent over 20 years manufacturing equipment for the food processing industry, we know the ins and outs of the various facilities we’ve served. What did they all have in common? Their lockers… just plain stink.

That’s why we decided to solve the problem of difficult-to-clean, rust-covered, poorly constructed lockers that simply don’t work for what we do.

Using galvanized steel and an improved ventilated design, we’ve designed CleanLockers™ specifically for the food industry. Eliminating trackable paint-chips. Eliminating rust and debris. Eliminating the nearly annual replacement cost of worn-out, worn-down lockers.

Yet, having designed these lockers to be everything a food production facility needs, we realized that their application doesn’t have to stop there. CleanLockers’™ unique features are also applicable to medical, law enforcement and many other industrial / manufacturing facilities, all benefiting greatly from our long-lasting, easy-to-clean locker system.

Durable. Washable. Secure. When it comes to your food service lockers, ours have the perfect combination.

To learn more or to request a quote, click here.